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Portrait of a Superhuman


SuperFeast is honoured to step into the world of personal trainer Adika “World” Njemanze. The Nigerian-born ‘FitDad’ spends his days inspiring change in others, his nights raising a family, and his late nights pushing the limits of his already enviable physique. And while Adika might be a champion bodybuilder, to him, being SuperHuman is about so much more than muscle.

Adika was 17 and had been working out for a year, when his physique-in-the-making dropped a mate’s jaw: “you should compete!”
“Compete?” asked Adika.
“Bodybuilding” clarified his friend.
“You mean like Arnie?”
“Yeah, but natural events”.
The rest is history. Adika exploded into the Aussie bodybuilding scene, dominating natural competitions up and down the east coast, winning a slew of major titles including Musclemania®️ Teenage Champion, and earning the nickname ‘The Biggest Teenager in Australia’.
But it wasn’t all smooth sailing.


Adika - Infinite Gains - Body Builder SuperFeast

Shins, biceps & surprises

Adika learned early that when things don’t go to plan, you’re forced to figure out who you are.
As a young teenager, Adika excelled at track and field events such as long jump, high jump, and triple jump. Unfortunately, it was triple jump and a shin injury that led him limping away from the oval and into the rehab room.
While hurrying through recovery so as to get back to jumping, Adika discovered that he liked strength training – a lot. What began as a rehab necessity quickly became an impassioned exploration of his body’s potential.
“What else can I do with my physique?” he wondered.


ADIKA - Infinite Gains - SuperFeast

Fear & tiny underwear

To an outsider, one look at Adika and you’d think he was born for bodybuilding (and you’d be right, as he won the first competition he ever entered), but that doesn’t mean he didn’t face demons.

I had to overcome my fear of being, you know, close to nude in front of everyone. I wore very tight, golden underwear that was close to a G-string, cut up at the bum so you could see the muscles. I was like ‘I can’t believe I’m actually doing this’. But, there were 100 people watching and analysing your body, so the fear had to go away really quick.”

And go away it did. At that first competition, Adika was doing everything he could to avoid eye contact with the judges and surrounding audience. A couple of comps in, and he had both in the palm of his hands.

It taught him something he swears by to this day – change only comes when you get comfortable with being uncomfortable.'


ADIKA - SuperFeast -  BodyBuilding - Medicinal Mushrooms

Near-death epiphanies

When Andrew, Adika’s older brother and lifelong role model, suffered a serious motorcycle accident, Adika was tested like never before. 

 “When you see someone close to you go through that. You start to question why things happen. If that person can go through that and still show up, what’s stopping you from showing up?”

After seeing Andrew fight in the face of such pain and struggle, Adika’s idea of ‘strength’ took on new dimension and meaning. He vowed never to take his body —or anything for that matter— for granted again.

To Adika, this was further proof that there’s rarely a difficulty that isn’t also an opportunity to learn and to grow.


SuperFeast | Adika | BodyBuilding | Medicinal Mushrooms

Beyond limits with a big why 

And grow he did. Over the years, Adika honed a personal philosophy that has allowed for many great feats.

He continued to compete, both at home and abroad. He continued to cultivate and perfect his physique. He became a husband and father at a young age. 

He learned that superficialities like aesthetics and awards only take you so far; that they’re fine as an entry point, but in order to stay motivated to aim higher, you need a ‘bigger why’. A deeper reason that you do what you do.

“When you find that answer, you find it every time you’re down”.

Now, Adika no longer feels the need to compete, except against himself, His physique is as flawless as ever. When he’s not in Dad or bodybuilding mode, he helps men and women nurture the character and resilience required for all areas of life, through fitness.

“Building your physique requires you to build your mindset. You get very disciplined, and that extends to other areas. You can handle most things that come your way because you already have control of yourself.”

SuperHuman Habits

As you can see, Adika holds a deep belief in our inherent inner power. Which is why, he’s never been a big supplement guy.

That is, until he tried JING. Ten minutes after a spoonful of the blend, he felt the energy come through. 

“There was a moment during my workout, I was like ‘hang on a second, I’ve got more energy!’”


He now takes JING and Deer Antler every morning, as an espresso-like shot. 

“Sometimes I mix it in with stuff too, like if I’m having vitamin C. It’s good!”


For someone who is always chasing new personal bests and new ways to optimise his fitness and physique - this natural, clean and lasting energy boost is priceless. 

Browse Adika’s instagram here.

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